Track:6 Pathology with Technology

Call for Abstract/Papers

SUB TRACK Pathology with Technology, Technology, digital microscopy, technological, whole glass slides, Medical Informatics, Diagnostic Technologies, laboratory medicine, clinical services, immunohistochemistry, diagnosis in renal disease, imaging technology, science of pathology, Imaging in genomic testing,

 Digital pathology is the application of information technology to the field of pathology to promote the creation, exchange, or sharing of information, including data and images. The main objective is to streamline the complex workflow from specimen receipt to report transmission for anatomical pathology (AP).

The two basic components of digital pathology are AP information systems and digital image analysis systems, including image collection and processing. But digital pathology does more than than connect scanners to AP data systems. It is necessary to develop both infrastructure to enable collaboration between various departments and health care systems and image analysis methods to process and model the enormous amount of data included in WSIs in order to provide additional diagnostic information and support pathologists during evaluation and diagnosis in order to use the multimodal and multilevel data generated in AP departments.

Technology is used in pathology

The use of genomic-based molecular techniques, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), and more recently DNA sequencing, has led to the greatest advancements in pathology.

Finding chromosomal abnormalities that are locus specific or unbalanced, include a net gain or loss of genetic material, and are connected to a particular disease state is accomplished using all of these techniques. Each contributes to the specific apps that pathologists use.

Pathologists still use microscopes as the gold standard for identifying and diagnosing cancer. There is a valid reason for this. Pathologists typically make their diagnoses without using any empirical evidence. They can assess from experience the chance that a sample is aberrant by looking at a well-stained slide alone and altering the focal planes on the optical equipment. However, pathologists have embraced more tests to help in completely identifying a patient’s ailment, to the point where in some situations, they are able to tell the referring doctor of the medication the patient is likely to respond to.

New Techniques

Multiplexing is the localization of many protein and related species antibodies in a single segment from the same material. Multiplexing facilitates the localization of critical proteins and their simultaneous interaction with distinct cell compartments or cell types. A cell’s various characteristics can be measured all at once. Novel investigations in digital pathology are emerging through the use of new multiplexing techniques, automated multispectral slide imaging tools, and new protein expression technologies. The immunohistochemistry (IHC) methods and multispectral analysis with the previously mentioned image processing and pattern recognition techniques are the main focus of contemporary oncological examinations. The expression profiles of each marker were examined to determine the value of this novel multiplex IHC method.

The application of WSI and digital pathology technologies has the promise of increasing workflow efficiency, balancing workloads, and enhancing image integration in information systems. Powerful computer-based algorithms will aid in the integration of all the information that can be extracted from a tissue sample using sophisticated, automated, and miniaturised technologies.

The two main aspects promoting the use of digital pathology in clinical practise are using standards and developing and validating image analysis tools.

Pathology Technology university Pathology University  Pathology – Texas Tech University, University of Technology Sydney, Artificial Intelligence in Pathology, Nagoya University, Graduate School of Medicine University Technology, Fukuoka University, Hospital – Department of Pathology, SUNY Upstate Medical University Pathology, University of Yamanashi,

Pathology Technology Association Pathology Technology Australia, Association of Anatomical Pathology, Technology Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology (AAPT), Anatomical pathology technologist Association for Molecular Pathology, Medical Technologist American Society of Clinical Pathology,

  • 21 CME Hours
  • 21 CPD Hours
  • Live Sessions
  • Receive feedback on a version of your most recent work.
  • Network with others in your field.
  • Develop your knowledge.
  • Participate in serious discussions and hone your arguments.
  • Develop your communication and presenting abilities.
  • Acquire and impart fresh insights and best practises.

Abstract submission for #14EPUCG2024 is open and you are welcome to submit your abstracts

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